

JemmeMD Art

"I am a 36 year old Self Portrait Artist. My primary styles are abstract/contemporary/fine art nude portraits. Working mainly in natural light, my works are mostly black and whites & monochrome based portraits. My work is based around my own documentation of my journey living with a life limiting, disabling, degenerative disease. I have Muscular Dystrophy & I am peg fed via a tube into the intestine. I am a powerchair user & started to document my body in nude form as a way of expressing the struggles, the trials, pain, isolation & heartache which goes with this disease as well as the achievements, lessons in body confidence, acceptance of constant changes & abilities. Whilst at the same time creating a space to feel freedom no longer confined by my disease. These experiences whilst making the artwork led me futher through the storytelling, by creating poetry for some of the artworks. I found my artwork has helped those in similar situations to myself by being able to talk about and approach these issues that we are scared to discuss & speak out about for fear of being labelled as negative. I wish everyone to label themselves as beautiful. Using art in photography is my way to reach out to the viewer, the fellow MD sufferers & raise awareness at the same time"
